This and that – a snapshot of my NOW

I got very excited when I was notified of a DNA match for a first or second cousin, the closest yet through this process. I contacted her, and sure enough, she is the granddaughter of my grandfather Slade’s sister, Florence. We have already provided each other with new information, with me being the recipient of so much fascinating history about our second great grandmother. It deserves a post to itself, so I will let you wonder until I do that one. After I shared that Jack had dementia, I learned of dementia in my own family, so you never know what might turn up in these searches.

That brings me to what is really on my mind, which is the changes that are afoot with Jack. There is some slippage going on, which I am very sad about. He has had to add another medication for his AFib heart arrthymia, and that may be at least part of the cause. I am taking over responsibility of more and more, such as doing most of the driving, paying the last two bills he did for himself, and becoming even more involved with his pills. He has been doing the dishes, and they were coming out dirty, and it is hard to say if it is the dishwasher or the operator that is on the fritz. His rememberer is more compromised, and I needed to give the pharmacist our address today. So far, we have had no catastrophes in any area, but we have had had a few oops instances with medication and bills. Hoping right now that the Council on Aging doesn’t deposit his check immediately until his Social Security deposit arrives in the account.

Despite these issues, I have become curious enough about the part of the family of the second great grandmother that had the large plantation in South Carolina that we are going on a field trip to see what we can find. It is/was very near Hilton Head, and I need to use up my vacation club points before I lose them, and I was able to work that out there.

On the brighter side, Jack’s new upper dentures fit and look very good, sun and warmth have returned to Florida, and I have been out in it making progress in rehabilitating the pool and backyard. I still have some muscles. I know this because they are very sore, but it is a good sore.

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